Handbag experience nail X ray machine maintenance

The quality of the products is the core competitiveness of enterprises, a high quality equipment can be used for a long time, not only quality and reliable performance of the equi ...

The station three check luggage detection

A light barrier device is mounted in the baggage detection channel entrance station three tests, namely the opposite type photoelectric switch. For the detection of forward at the ...

Shoes X-ray machine using dual probe

Any one of the industry's development and progress, always cannot do without the mainstream enterprise drive. Any a pervasive device, is always in the unceasing improvement gradua ...

Luggage and parcel items by the conveying belt X ray examination

The station passenger waiting Import & export can see the luggage conveyer belt machine is checked baggage security X-ray machine. I believe that both the choice of car, train, sh ...

X-ray machine brand shoes.

For a good shoe X-ray machine brand, to obtain a good reputation and customer satisfaction, must not to move or retreat to ensure its quality. "God" by virtue of excellent quality ...

Finish inspection on clothing needle by X-ray machine

Textile and clothing products if there is residual broken needle may cause harm to consumers, the foreign importer of clothing to avoid residual broken needle caused economic loss ...